Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sock Shock

Since today showed the tiniest hint of spring, some friends and I decided to ring in our lunch breaks on the deck of a popular tex mex eatery in Nashville.

In the midst of gabbing and soaking up the sunshine, a guy friend of mine casually mentioned that he needed to start going to the tanning bed to get a “base tan” before summer officially starts.

I almost choked on my queso-covered chip.

Firstly, because this carefree guy is the last person on earth I’d imagine gracing the threshold of a tanning salon. Secondly, because…I don’t know…he has a penis?

Because I’m naturally curious and don’t often think before I speak, I blurted out, “When you go, do you cover up your junk?” (Eloquence personified.)

He informed me that after one bad burning experience, he now uses a SOCK.

I know I’m being sexist to think it’s strange/creepy for men to lay in tanning beds, but the mental image of a man lying bathed in blue light, wearing tiny baby goggles, rocking a 1990s Red Hot Chili Peppers cock sock makes me giggly…and a little ill.

Unavoidably from now on, whenever I see overly tan guys at the gym, I'll be suspicious as to exactly WHERE their socks have been...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are worse things men do with their socks... especially teenagers.

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The initial tanning session each year requires that certain parts be covered. A sock... no. I'll use the provided towel. However, if you're not gonna be an idiot and be in there for 20 minutes, there's no need for that type of protection.

So.. am I hearing you'd rather see milky, pale complexions on the men around you? I'll opt for a little color any day.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Milky pale, no.

"I look like I just spent two months in Cabo and it's only January", definitely no.

Male tanning has a VERY fine line...

4:40 PM  
Blogger londongirl said...


now THAT is a nasty thought.

1:26 PM  

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