Wednesday, February 08, 2006

No Regrets

I feel like hell. I just want to lay my head on my desk and sleep until 5:00 hits. My eyes are gritty, my mouth is dry and my head is throbbing. But despite my current misery, I wouldn't trade last night's fun for a full 8 hours of sleep for anything.

Jim, my favorite ex-boss in the entire world, was in Nashville for a conference and I had the pleasure of showing him around. We headed out as soon as I got off work yesterday in order to get a good seat at Mafioza's. On any other night it wouldn't have mattered, but Tuesday nights are two-for-one drinks and pizza slices and you can't get near the place after 7:00.

We met up with Jenn and Greg...Ritchie, Jennie and Andrea came later. And man, was that pizza good. Especially being washed down by a plethora of Coronas. Which quickly took effect. Especially after Jenn and I took the free shot offered by the cute bartender. That's when our stories started to get really funny and raunchy...and we bet the cute group of guys beside us to take off their clothes if UNC lost to Duke (and we'd do the same, but switched). Lucky for us, Duke won...but unluckily, they didn't keep their side of the bargain. They got all shamefaced and coughed excuses.

After several hours of beer drinking, we decided to move on to The Greenhouse (which in my opinion, is the coolest bar in Nashville) for some stiffer drinks. The bar is an actual greenhouse with fairy lights and fountains and stone paths. You feel like you're in another world when you're there. Jenn got the strongest martini I've ever tasted (and subsequently passed out on her bed wearing only a half-opened bathrobe). HA! :)

On the way home, we definitely swung by Travis Stork's house and yelled out our windows (Jim included). We thought that maybe he'd open the door to see what the ruckus was about...but no dice. Oh well, it was still funny as hell.

Sadly, Jim left for Oxford this morning, but he's coming back soon! Here's hoping we'll have a repeat performance in March...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm totally unhip...but who is this Stork guy?

6:32 PM  

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