Monday, January 09, 2006

AARP, Here I Come

It finally happened. The (constantly fighting) neighbors broke up. There goes our evening entertainment...and a good portion of our furniture. We'd been using some of her (super nice)stuff that she didn't want to put in storage...but every bit of it left with her this weekend. Leaving us with an entire empty room and a TV sitting on the floor.

She told us that she doesn't really have room for it in her new place, but doesn't want to temporarily leave it with us for fear her ex-fiance will go crazy, break in to our place and chop it into tiny pieces. [She's a tad psychotic--hence the end of the relationship.]

After weighing the idea of taking down the chandelier and installing a disco ball to make a dance floor...I decided to put my big girl panties on and actually buy some furniture. I spent all weekend shopping for a decent looking/priced dining set...and discovered there are none. Because furniture is effing expensive and there's no way around it. Either you fork over money for a nice, wood dining room table...or you buy a card table and feel like a hobo. I chose the first option...and paid $137 dollar in taxes alone. It made me feel so old.

I just don't understand WHY furniture is so expensive. Nowadays, it's all made in a huge impersonal factory somewhere. It's not like it's hand-whittled from redwoods by a homeless blind man in the Rockies. (Which mine SHOULD be, judging by the price tag.)

But despite the anxiety of signing my life away to a payment plan, it feels kind of good to actually own some decent furniture. Like an adult should. But I'm taking babysteps in this area. Just say the word "mortgage" and I might throw up.


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