Thursday, December 29, 2005

I've Always Known That Girls Are Bitches...

...But I think it's reaching an unprecedented level. I saw on the Today show while I was getting ready this morning that school administrators are having to crack down on middle school girls. To the point that they're taking up camera phones because real-life "Mean Girls" are taking pictures of dorky girls changing for gym class and emailing them to all of their friends.

[At this point, I swiped my mascara wand across my cheek.]

I just couldn't believe it. Granted, there were plenty of bitchy snits at my school, but none of whom would stoop to this level of humiliation. I can deal with talking behind my back, maybe even insulting me to my face...but the minute you send naked pictures of me over the internet...that'll get a bitch slapped. (To risk sounding like an old school marm: why do they have cell phones at school anyway? I wasn't allowed to have mine.)

I know middle school is a tender age (or as my dad so eloquently puts it, a "hormonal shit storm"), and lots of drama ensues during this life-stage, but that doesn't mean it's a free ticket for cruelty. It's not that hard to be accepting and get along with a myriad of people.

Speaking of bitches, I met a raging one the other night (who does not have a "tender age" excuse). Several of us went out for Jennie's birthday Tuesday night and ended up at The Red Door (hoping to see some stars, of course). Sara was playing the DD and politely asked the (overly-made-up-hoochie) bartender if she could have a Diet Coke with several cherries in which the woman replied, "What do you think we are, fucking SONIC?"

[No...but unlike the carhops there...we might have actually tipped you.]

Lesson learned: just because a 13-year-old has yet to warrant the need for a training bra doesn't justify putting her naked picture on the world wide web. Unless she grows up to be a raging PMS whore bartender with a sassy attitude.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the bartender have red hair and talk like a hick?

5:48 PM  

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