Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Get Thee to a Nunnery

With yesterday being Valentine's and all, I got to thinking about relationships. Romantic and friendship. And when the two collide.

I love my friends' boyfriends. I think that most of them are great and I love to spend time hanging out in a group. But with that being said, I've never once had the inclination to sleep with any of them. EVER. The thought has never cross my mind. I think a normal person's brain subconsciously says, "This person is great. But he belongs to ______. No touching allowed."

Yet surprisingly, there seem to be a lot of women who are missing this logical part of their brain. They assume that since a) they have a vagina and b) the other person has a's okay to put those two things together. To the point that there is an entire Facebook group of girls who have been burned by slutty friends.

I just don't understand. I don't get how someone can have such low self-esteem that they'd jeopardize a great friendship for a few minutes of feeling wanted. How they'd intentionally hurt someone they care about just to prove how desirable they are. Especially if they were once roommates.

Granted, some blame should be placed on the boyfriends. They should never have strayed. But let's face it, men generally think with their penises. They have a dick/they are a dick. Same difference. It's always going to hurt when he cheats, but it will hurt exponentially worse when he does it with your friend. Because a friend is supposed to support you, not betray you. You trusted this person with intimate details of your life...and yet a roll in the sheets with your boyfriend is obviously worth more to her.

I don't even have a name for this kind of person (apart from hooker, trollop, whore, slut, tart, hobag, prostitute, harlot, floozy, strumpet, tramp, hussy and jezebel). These people need a name that sets them apart from the average "loose woman". They need a name that signifies that not only do they possess low morals...they have total disregard for others' feelings. I'm opening the floor for suggestions...

And I hope, for fairness sake, that these actions come back to bite them in the end. The only possible option I think is fair is them discovering their perfect mate having an affair.



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