Monday, June 26, 2006

Reformed Blogger in the Hizzouse

You know it's been too damn long since you've written on your blog when you forget your password. I spent a good five minutes plugging every single conceivable password I've had since 8th grade (including "zachipoo83") before I could break into my own account.

Speaking of false security measures, you want to read something that will guarantee make you laugh? This literally had me doubled over gasping for air.

I am so glad that summer has finally come to Ca$hville. The rainy days are far behind us and there is sun for miles...just the way I like it. Bar patios are finally open and just waiting for tan bodies to fill them with sex appeal.

Too bad I have this pesky job thing going on. It's really cramping my summer style.

But despite my bitching, my steady job situation is far better than the waste-of-space's next door. Because the landlord's new job lasted all of 3 weeks. Not sure if he quit or got fired (my guess is the latter). So lucky for us, that means he's back to constant cigar smoking and marathon ball scratching sessions.

I'm tempted to start filling out applications from local fast food joints with his information and leaving them in his mailbox.


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