Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Life Has Officially Changed for the Better

Last night, I broke down and actually bought my very own karaoke machine. I've been thinking about if for a while now...then yesterday's post made me think about it some more. So I impulsively drove to Toys R' Us after work and bought one.

Once there, I marched straight up to a man in the "electronics department" and asked him to show me the karaoke machines. He gave me a strange look (which did not phase me in the least). I mean hey, he's 30 and still working at a Toys R' Us...he has NO right to judge my entertainment choices.

It only cost me a cool $50--which I'd say is more than worth it for the potential years of joy it will bring.

Jennie and I busted it out of it's box as soon as I got back to the house and hooked the little sucker up. (It's best feature by far is the fact that it plugs right into your TV set for optimum viewing/listening enjoyment.)

We popped that CD in and were captivated for the rest of the evening. We invited Andrea over, cracked open some beers and sang (and laughed hysterically) for three straight hours. No lie. I realized around 10 that I never stopped to eat dinner.

It's now Day #2 of "life with a karaoke machine" and I've already added 5 more CDs to my collection. We're up to 100 different songs to choose from. This is BIG TIME...we're talking super parties in our near future.

And an ADDED karaoke machine bonus: annoying the shit out of my landlord through the air vents. But no worries there...if he DARES to say something to us about it, I'm just going to politely ask for my panties back. And THEN we'll see what more he has to add to the subject!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to come up and use the machine with yall!

6:26 PM  

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