Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I made a huge step into adulthood today: for the first time ever, I filed my own taxes online.

Can I get a hell yes?

Truthfully, I was a little nervous at first. When my w-2 arrived last week, I glanced at it and then promptly shoved it in a desk drawer, where it might've stayed (until April 14) had a friend not sent me a link to an easy do-it-yourself tax filing site.

Figuring it was something that had to be done eventually (my feisty grandmother has always said, "The only things I HAVE to do are die and pay taxes!"), I decided to bite the bullet.

The website led me through a series of simple questions and bada bing! My hefty check is now on its way...

Shiny, new MacBook, here I come.

One interesting observation: after a few initial background questions, a text box appeared that read, "Click here if you are blind."

Um, seriously? Because if you really are blind a) how did you navigate the website far enough for the text box to appear and b) how would you read it to click on it?

Anybody have a clue?

I was honestly tempted to click it just to see what would happen...


Blogger londongirl said...

Great re getting tax return out of the way - always my least favourite job of the year.

Re blind people - there are special braille readers with pins that move up and down to display what's on the screen in braille. Make sense? (bit garbled as explanations go, but anyway). Big websites are usually blind enabled. sorry for the nerdy comment....

2:14 AM  
Blogger Scooby said...

Go you!

*feeling immense jealousy over Rachel's Mac*

3:14 PM  

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