Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Never Underestimate the Power of Girlfriends

That's my new motto--well, not exactly new, but I'm going to work harder at focusing on my female relationships. What brought on this resolution, you ask? Last night's episode of Laguna Beach. Laugh if you must.

All in all, the 2nd season finale blew. Dramawise, nothing substantial happened...AT ALL. I sat for 30 minutes and watched girls cry because they were leaving their friends. But it took me back--to both high school and college--and reminded me of all the friends I've said goodbye to over the years. And it made me sad. It's hard to think about all those long-cultivated friendships just dissolving through distance and time. But I guess it's the natural progression of life. If we kept the same friends our whole lives, we'd never grow. Through meeting new people and making new friendships, we discover new things about ourselves. But it's hard. It's always hard to say goodbye. Especially if it's forced--and you'd give anything to stay together if you could.

I've been making some wonderful friends here in Nashville--but I miss my old ones. I miss being able to say anything and know that they'll still love me. I miss our late-night talks about boys and boobs and everything in between. I miss our Wednesday night ritual at Pearl Street. I miss sneaking into the DG kitchen afterhours. I miss our (sometimes illegal) roadtrips. I miss our goofiness together. I miss seing their smiles.

So, to all of my wonderfully unique and truly fabulous friends, please know that I think about you often. And that I want nothing but the best for you. And I hope we can all get together soon to laugh about old times. You're all very very very loved.


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